import numpy as np
from .Annotation import Annotation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from skimage.measure import find_contours
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
[docs]def consensus(anns, clevel=0.5, pad=None, ret_masks=True, verbose=True):
"""Return the boolean-valued consensus volume amongst the
provided annotations (`anns`) at a particular consensus level
anns: list of `pylidc.Annotation` objects
This list should be probably be one of the lists
returned by the `pylidc.Scan.cluster_annotations`
clevel: float, default=0.5
The consensus fraction. For example, if clevel=0.5, then
a voxel will have value 1 in the returned boolean volume
when >= 50% of the segmentations include that voxel, and 0
pad: int, list, or float, default=None
See `Annotation.bbox` for description for this argument.
ret_masks: bool, default=True
If True, a list of masks is also returned corresponding to
all the annotations. Note that this slightly different than calling
`boolean_mask` on each respective Annotation object because these
volumes will be the same shape and in a common reference frame.
verbose: bool, default=True
Turns the DICOM image loading message on/off.
consensus_mask, consensus_bbox[, masks]: (ndarray, tuple[, list])
`consensus_mask` is the boolean-valued volume of the annotation
masks at `clevel` consensus. `consensus_bbox` is a 3-tuple of
slices that can be used to index into the image volume at the
corresponding location of `consensus_mask`. `masks` is a list of
boolean-valued mask volumes corresponding to each Annotation object.
Each mask in the `masks` list has the same shape and is sampled in
the common reference frame provided by `consensus_bbox`.
bmats = np.array([a.bbox_matrix(pad=pad) for a in anns])
imin,jmin,kmin = bmats[:,:,0].min(axis=0)
imax,jmax,kmax = bmats[:,:,1].max(axis=0)
# consensus_bbox
cbbox = np.array([[imin,imax],
masks = [a.boolean_mask(bbox=cbbox) for a in anns]
cmask = np.mean(masks, axis=0) >= clevel
cbbox = tuple(slice(cb[0], cb[1]+1, None) for cb in cbbox)
if ret_masks:
return cmask, cbbox, masks
return cmask, cbbox
[docs]def volume_viewer(vol, mask=None, **line_kwargs):
Interactive volume viewer utility
vol: ndarray, ndim=3
An image volume.
mask: ndarray, ndim=3, dtype=bool
A boolean mask volume.
line_kwargs: args
Any keyword arguments that can be passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`.
An example::
import pylidc as pl
from pylidc.utils import volume_viewer
ann = pl.query(pl.Annotation).first()
vol = ann.scan.to_volume()
padding = 70.0
mask = ann.boolean_mask(pad=padding)
bbox = ann.bbox(pad=padding)
volume_viewer(vol[bbox], mask, ls='-', lw=2, c='r')
assert vol.ndim
if mask is not None:
if mask.dtype != bool:
raise TypeError("mask was not bool type.")
if vol.shape != mask.shape:
raise ValueError("Shape mismatch between image volume and mask.")
k = int(0.5*vol.shape[2])
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0.25)
img = ax.imshow(vol[:,:,k], vmin=vol.min(),
if mask is not None:
contours = []
for i in range(vol.shape[2]):
contour = []
for c in find_contours(mask[:,:,i].astype(np.float), 0.5):
line = ax.plot(c[:,1], c[:,0], **line_kwargs)[0]
axslice = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.75, 0.03], facecolor='0.8')
sslice = Slider(axslice, 'Slice', 0, vol.shape[2]-1,
valinit=k, valstep=1)
def update(i):
i = int(i)
if mask is not None:
for ic,contour in enumerate(contours):
for c in contours[ic]:
c.set_visible(ic == i)